AI-Based Testing

Undoubtedly, software development is evolving with agile and DevOps processes on the go in recent years. Evidently, the testing process has also been evolving and has moved towards more and more test automation. Organizations are now further using Artificial Intelligence to realize AI-based Intelligent Testing.

According to the latest World Quality Report 2019-20, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is going to be among the most significant trends in Quality Assurance & Testing for the next decade, and organizations across the globe are in a need to develop a strategy around it.

TestingXperts (Tx), brings in its AI expertise with machine learning (ML) algorithms together with predictive analytics embedded in its in-house IP, Tx-SmarTest. Tx’s AI Data Scientists unleash the power of next-gen software testing and drive Intelligent software testing through AI innovation. The inclusion of AI into the software development lifecycle helps the agile and DevOps teams to predict, find, and resolve the defects quickly and early.

The addition of AI in testing speeds up the testing process as the repetitive tasks are automated which results in saving time and considerable costs. AI testing with Tx-SmarTest builds tests faster, runs at scale, tests faster with agile & DevOps CI/CD processes on the go. Further, it ensures to deliver quality releases with effective outcomes for customers by embracing AI and ML as mediums for testing.

Typically, for today’s fast-paced businesses with customer experience placed at the forefront, adopting AI and automating software testing with Tx-SmarTest is a critical need. It ensures faster and quality releases along with generating quicker ROI. This AI innovation ensures the least human intervention as it uses Deep learning and ML algorithms to ensure quality outcomes with intelligent testing.



Tx-SmarTest is an AI-enabled comprehensive platform that systematically caters to faster releases enabled with DevOps CI/CD processes. It helps to boost the software quality through production enabled by combining AI, ML, Deep Learning, and neural network algorithms.

Tx-SmarTest – A Comprehensive AI Automation Platform Consists of:

  • Regression Suite Automation
  • Defect Analysis and Prediction
  • Self-Healing Automation

Regression Suite Automation: Reduces Regression Time and Provides Test Coverage


There is a lot of effort involved with respect to balancing the testing speed and release quality which is also one of the key challenges in software engineering. Especially with the ever-growing regression scope to keep up testing of the new functionality of a release, there is a need to automate repetitive tasks. AI-enabled Regression Suite automation intelligently runs automated regression tests based on the changes in code each time or large data set of historical code changes and test outcomes. It primarily reduces the overall regression test cycle time by identifying and executing only the set of test cases that must be executed. This sort of testing helps to satisfy the test scope while optimally managing risk if any, related to meeting the demands of delivering quality software and ensures to deliver as per the project timelines.

Specifically, by using the Tx-SmarTest into the automated cycle, selection, and execution of specific regression scripts based on large data set of historical code changes and test outcomes. It adds true value as time-to-market is ensured at the proper time as only test cases that provide test coverage for the impacted features are executed. This AI-enabled intelligence primarily ensures test coverage is not compromised at any point in time.

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Defect Analysis and Prediction: Predicts Defects and Identifies Gaps in Quality


For the success of any software, the proper and effective identification of software defects plays an important role, especially with today’s tight-packed go-to-market timelines. Undoubtedly, enterprises might miss their go-to-product timelines by missing defects during the testing process. It severely affects their brands due to these unspotted defects and with deferred timelines.

With Tx-SmarTest, the AI-enabled platform’s Intelligent Defect Analysis and Prediction tool, it essentially caters to predict when and where these defects occur as it is powered by ML and NLP algorithms. It effectively improves the overall testing efficiency and reduces test cycle time remarkably. This AI defect analysis and prediction tool improves the efficiency of the entire testing process by delivering comprehensive actionable insights with intelligent predictions.

Tx-SmarTest helps to identify gaps in quality and defect targets using predictive analytics embedded in the AI-enabled tool. It helps to track bugs quickly as testing processes are automated that are usually time-consuming and significantly reduces the overall software delivery time. A detailed bug report is delivered to developers and testers to take effective and faster decisions based on the bug report’s comprehensive analysis.

Self-Healing Automation: Detects Object Breaks and Self-Heals


Test automation has been widely in use in today’s agile & DevOps processes, but it is a true reality that in these processes, changes are always on the go. It is to be noted, changes to test scripts in agile & DevOps methodologies are always made rapidly and frequently due to which automation might stop working suddenly at any given point of time.

If suppose there is a change in an object or id, then the existing automated test script also needs a change. It might explicitly need human intervention for troubleshooting whenever changes are done to object properties. But, this sort of human intervention takes time and effort and thus should be handled automatically through an AI-enabled Self-Healing process. Typically, it should be handled with an AI-enabled solution to automatically heal test automation script breakages due to object or any other property changes.

In these situations, the Tx-SmarTest approach comes effective as the AI-enabled tool can identify a change in objects and the intelligent bots learn from the internal data during regular tests. The auto-healing is done based on the historical observations of the tests and the Tx-SmarTest can automatically make changes to the script to make it ready for execution. This self-healing is achieved upon the tool sensing changes in properties or attributes and also by using historical data to scrap similar objects. The AI detects any sort of abnormalities in code and automatically fixes them without any human intervention through Self-Healing enabled with AI algorithms.

What are the benefits of Tx-SmarTest (AI-Powered Intelligent Testing)?

  • Ensures greater code coverage and reduces test cycle time enormously.
  • Improves the speed of test coverage.
  • Analyses and finds system errors along with patterns of failure with intelligent bug tracking.
  • Enables instant feedback which helps to resolve issues at the earliest.
  • Ensures to save costs due to intelligent automation.
  • It drastically reduces costs and improves software quality.
  • Highly useful for UI regression testing, Visual UI testing, and GUI testing.
  • Ensures faster decision making with intuitive reports for all levels.

What are TestingXperts Differentiators for AI-Enabled Testing?

  • First-of-its kind AI-enabled next-gen platform – Tx-SmarTest as an AI accelerator
  • Team of Data Scientists and Machine learning experts working round-the-clock to ensure and follow a future roadmap for the AI platform
  • Innovation and Deep learning with thought leadership is the key for AI-enabled Tx accelerator
  • Teams driven by Next-gen software testing AI leaders to get the platform well-designed
  • Good domain experience across industries such as banking, Insurance, Mining, Healthcare, etc.
  • Global presence of QA testers with huge domain knowledge
  • 24×7 customer support
  • Future road map – to include Security Testing as Intelligent Security Testing

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