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Performance Testing Accelerator Tx-Perfkit

Performance testing is a non-functional software testing method that validates the app's speed, responsiveness, scalability, and reliability. This testing method checks if the application performs seamlessly under varying networks, bandwidths, and user loads. Businesses need quick performance testing methods to ensure robust, scalable, and high-performing apps to stay ahead of today’s competitive marketplace.

Tx-Perfkit is a first-of-its-kind Performance Testing and Monitoring Accelerator developed by TestingXperts Test Center of Excellence (TCoE). This Tx-Perfkit is a unique and exclusive framework developed in-house with the below ideologies:

  • To have a performance testing framework that can be deployed on cloud or on-premise infrastructure to generate load on the Application Under Test (AUT)
  • To quickly monitor the application infrastructure in one go
  • Can be utilized to load test blockchain and IoT applications
  • Can be integrated with DevOps CI/CD pipeline for continuous performance testing

Type of Performance Testing Services Offered in Canada

  • Component performance testing
  • Customized solutions
  • System level performance testing
  • Setup performance CoEs
  • Scalability testing
  • Load and performance testing services over cloud
  • Endurance testing
  • Continuous performance testing
  • Stress testing
  • System Characterization
  • Volume testing
  • Performance Code Reviews/Profiling

Accelerator Overview

Tx-perfkit accelerator

How Tx-Perfkit Quickens Performance Testing Projects?

  • This accelerator can be leveraged to cover all stages of performance testing followed by performance engineering more efficiently and quickly
  • It helps implement a shift-left approach for performance testing
  • It helps to increase the overall profitability of a performance testing engagement significantly
  • It ensures QA cost savings of up to 25-30% in the performance testing engagement

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Performance Testing Services

  • Component-performance testing

    Component performance testing

  • Continuous-performance

    Continuous performance

  • Endurance-testing

    Endurance testing

  • Load-testing-services-over-cloud

    Load testing services over cloud

  • Scalability-testing

    Scalability testing

  • Setup-performance-CoEs

    Setup performance CoEs

  • Stress-testing

    Stress testing

  • System-level-performance-testing

    System level performance testing


  • This accelerator is best suited to promote and support effective performance testing services and DevOps services (production monitoring and alerting system).
  • Using the power of the cloud eases performance testing, as it enables load tests even at huge user volumes.
  • Hardware failures will not result in data loss because of networked backups and it ensures data security.
  • This tool provides custom dashboards with the graphical representation of the dozens of required performance metrics and KPIs.
  • This tool enables custom dashboards based on metrics, CPU, memory usage, garbage collection, heap memory usage, etc., and can be viewed in different chart styles, alerts, and dashboards.

Connect with our Tx-Perfkit experts to know more.